Transferring to A-State
Welcome to Arkansas State University!



Thank you for considering A-State to finish your 4-year degree. We want you to join our Pack!


Our transfer program provides a seamless process for you to earn a bachelor's degree. We have Transfer Counselors available to assist you throughout the admissions process. Once we finish assisting you with admission to A-State, we will send you to an adviser in your respective program of study, i.e. nursing, health professions or education. Ultimately, your adviser will assist you in registering for classes at A-State. However, don't forget your Transfer Counselor is always a phone call, Zoom or email away.)


A-State Transfer Counselors work hand-in-hand with your community college to create a smooth transition. With the use of the transfer course equivalency check sheet, our counselors and you or your transfer coordinator from your community college can compare classes - course by course. If needed, we can connect you with International Admissions, Access & Accommodation Services for those with disabilities or Housing, just to name a few other important areas.



Simply, go HERE to fill out an application* and join our Pack!


Requirements for admission:

  • - 13 transferrable college hours with a 2.0 GPA
  • - Proof of 2 MMR vaccines (required for on-campus enrollment)
  • - Completion of English I and College Algebra or placement exam scores (English I & College Algebra are still required for the degree plan to graduate. Exam scores are used for admission purposes only.)

*$30 application fee is required.


We understand and value the journey that you are about to embark on and can assure you that the faculty, staff and administrators at A-State will help you work toward your goal of earning a bachelor’s degree. We look forward to seeing you on our campus soon.


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Transfer Scholarship

Learn more about how this scholarship can help you financially when transferring to A-State.

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Privately Funded Scholarships

Visit here to inquire about and/or apply for A-State's various privately funded scholarships.

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Visit Campus

Visit the A-State campus for yourself and see what it’s like to be a Red Wolf! We would love to show you around!

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Please contact the community college(s) you have attended and ask them to send official transcripts to A-State in Jonesboro.

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