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Diversity (n)

The inclusion or representation of different types of people within a group or organization, such as a university or a workplace. This word most commonly refers to differences between cultural groups, but it is also used to describe differences within groups, e.g. diversity within the Asian-American culture includes Korean Americans and Japanese Americans. Differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies may be considered. The concept encompasses acceptance and respect by recognizing that no one culture is intrinsically superior to another and that each individual is unique.

Ethnicity (n)

A quality assigned to a specific group of people based on a shared cultural heritage. Characteristics of distinction may include ancestry, sense of history, language, religion, and forms of dress. Ethnic differences are learned, not inherited. Ethnic classification is used for identification rather than differentiation.

Gender (n)

Classification of people based on the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities and attributes of "masculine" and "feminine".

Minority (n)

Term used to describe a group that represents a relatively smaller percentage of the overall population of a nation, state, etc. . .

Multiculturalism (n)

The practice of acknowledging and respecting the various cultures, religions, races, ethnicities, attitudes and opinions within an environment.

National Origin (n)

System of classification based on the nation from which a person originates, regardless of the nation in which he/she currently resides.

Race (n)

Classification of people based on biologically physical characteristics.

Sex (n)

Classification based on biological and physical characteristics that define "male" and "female".