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Student working in Micro-Biology LabMolecular biology research is diverse and it evolves exponentially. Our core unit offers basic equipment useful for this work, from molecule quantification and purity to gene expression through real-time PCR analyses.


  • Bio-Rad, real-time PCR system, CFX Opus 96
  • Bio-Rad, real-time PCR system, CFX 96
  • Bio-Rad, real-time PCR system, CFX 384
  • Eppendorf, automated liquid handler, epMotion 5075
  • Agilent, automated electrophoresis system, BioAnalyzer 2100
  • Agilent, automated electrophoresis system, TapeStation 4150
  • Applied Biosystems, thermal cycler, Veriti 96
  • Thermo, DNA/RNA/protein quantificator, NanoDrop Onec
  • NanoDrop, nucleic acid quantificator, ND 8000
  • BioTek, UV-visible microplate reader, Epoch
  • Labconco, purifier clean bench with UV light (cat# 3970301)

Bio-Rad CFX 96 Real-Time PCR System

BIO RAD C1000 Thermal Cycler

Veriti Thermal Cycler

Veriti Thermal Cycler

Agilent TapeStation

Agilent Tapestation

Agilent BioAnalyzer

Agilent BioAnalyzer

Eppendorf Automated Liquid Handler

Eppendorf Automated Liquid Handler