University Advancement is a clearinghouse for all solicitations to corporations and foundations from the University and its representatives. Please consult with us before contacting any foundation. Funding requests should not be sent to corporations or foundations without consulting with the Director of Foundation Relations (DFR).
Step 1: Develop a Proposal
Submit the online Proposal Development Form. This form is required when seeking assistance from University Advancement for your project. This form should be signed by your Dean prior to submission to the DFR.
Step 2: Prospect Research
The DFR will assist you in developing a prospect list for your project. The DFR will also examine the past relationship and funding from prospect organization(s) to determine best strategy for achieving positive results.
Step 3: Solicitation
Proposals will be submitting through the DFR office to maintain consistency across campus, and the DFR will contact you with the outcome of the request.
Step 4: Stewardship
The stewardship process across companies and foundations will vary. Corporations and Foundations may request progress reports. These reports are the responsibility of the department and individuals running the program, not the DFR. The DFR will work with you to make sure you and your departments are aware of reporting requirements and deadlines.
A copy of the report should be submitted to the DFR for review prior to submission.