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Day Travel

Reimbursement for meals without overnight travel is not allowed by Arkansas regulation unless special authorization is granted by the travel administrator.

Arkansas State University will authorize meal reimbursements for day travel without an overnight stay under the following conditions:

  • The day travel period must be out of town away from the official station (10) hours or more;

  • A memorandum of explanation that justifies the request for reimbursement of meals signed by the traveler and the traveler's supervisor must be submitted on the expense report in Concur;

  • Itemized meal receipts are required - no exceptions

  • Meals with itemized receipts may be reimbursed up to the daily maximum allowable

Meals Included in Conference Registration

Meal reimbursement requests must be reduced for meals provided as part of the conference registration by deducting the appropriate amount as shown under the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) breakdown at http://ww.gsa.gov/portal/content/104877.

Allowances may be made in writing to allow the traveler to claim meal reimbursement if any of the conditions below are met:

  • The traveler meals(is unable to consume the meal provided because of medical requirements or religious beliefs

  • The traveler purchased substitute s) in order to satisfy their medical requirements or religious beliefs

  • The traveler was unable to take part in the provided meal due to the conflict of official business

Complementary Meals

Meals provided by a common carrier or a complementary meal provided by a hotel/motel does not affect the maximum meal allowance per the Federal Travel Directory.