Sponsored Students
Welcome to Arkansas State University!

If you are financially supported by your home government, U.S. governmental agency or through a partnership agreement, YOU must provide your Financial Guarantee (FG) to the International Student Analyst by the following dates to avoid a late fee for tuition and to ensure the receipt of benefits.

  • Deadline for FG for incoming Summer students is June 5.
  • Deadline for FG for incoming Fall students is September1.
  • Deadline for FG for incoming Mid-Fall students is October 10.
  • Deadline for FG for incoming Spring students is February 1. 
  • Deadline for FG for incoming Mid-Spring students is March 10.

Any letters needed in order to maintain their status with their sponsoring organization can find additional information here.


  • How do I obtain my Financial Guarantee (FG)?

    Contact your sponsoring organization advisor to request that your FG be emailed to Erica Jennings at ejennings@astate.edu

  • How do i request a transcript for my sponsoring organization?

    When your account has a $0 (zero dollar) balance, you must immediately order your official transcript to upload into the system. Please note, Student Accounts will not release a hold for transcripts. If there is a financial hold on your account, you must wait until your account is brought to a zero balance.

  • If I pay my account balance while waiting for my FG, when will I be reimbursed by A-State?

    A-State will be able to reimburse you upon receipt of the payment from your sponsoring organization.

    When you present your FG to Erica, an invoice will be sent to the Financial Department at your sponsoring organization. The organization will then mail payment to A-State  to be placed into your account. Once that payment has been received, you will see a credit post to your account. A twenty one business day wait is to be expected between the credit being posted and Student Accounts contacting you regarding the reimbursement.

  • How will A-State reimburse me?

    A-State will reimburse you using the means of payment you initially used:
    check,cash and credit or debit card.

  • Why is my Admissions Only Letter not sufficient?

    Admissions Only Letters merely serve as an indicator that you will be sponsored by your sponsoring organization. However, it does not serve as proof that your sponsor will provide the financial means to cover your A-State charges.

  • How can my A-State Health Insurance charge be removed?

    In order to avoid the charge for A-State Health insurance, you must provide both the FG and the insurance card by the deadlines stated above.  If a FG is not received by the above specified deadline, the health insurance charge will remain in your student account.

  • Why do i have A-State Health insurance when my sponsor provides health insurance?

    The A-State Health Insurance charge is placed on your account as a safeguard to guarantee that you will have some form of health insurance, as it is federal law for you to have insurance during your stay in the U.S. Your FG will show that you have comprehensive medical insurance coverage.