Welcome to Arkansas State University!

SGA strives to promote a greater understanding and cooperation with the faculty and administration. SGA works to ensure that the students realize their rights to influence academic policies on the university's campus.


Each college has representation on the senate along with International, Non-traditional, ROTC, and Honors College representation on both undergraduate and graduate levels. One purpose of student participation in government is to train for the role of a citizen in the community. SGA hopes to provide educational, social, and political programming for students. A sense of responsibility and concern on the part of each student with respect to every other student and with respect to the welfare of the student community is promoted through SGA participation. These senators and SGA staff members serve on many shared governance committees, representing your concerns in matters as important as financial aid and scholarship, campus safety, parking services, and student disciplinary areas.


Regular meetings of SGA are held in order to carry out the responsibilities of initiating all legislation concerning the welfare of the student body, supporting the functions and activities of the student body, vesting authority to student organizations, investigating any appeal made to it by any student concerning problems of general student welfare or well-being, assuming financial responsibility for SGA funds, and reviewing the financial records of all registered student organizations. Resolutions passed by the Student Government Association are presented by the SGA President to administrators who discuss implementation of student requests. These resolutions are not taken lightly and are utilized to the benefit of students whenever possible. SGA strives to create, maintain, and regulate beneficial customs and traditions at the Arkansas State University campus.

Since the Student Government Association acts as a liaison among the students, faculty, and administration, it is important for all persons to acquaint themselves with the policies of SGA and how they affect the organizations to which they belong.