What is the Affinity Licensing?
The Affinity Licensing is the licensing representative for the university. As the university's representative, Affinity Licensing is responsible for administering the licensing program, including processing applications, collecting royalties, enforcing trademarks and pursuing new market opportunities for the university. For more information about Affinity Licensing, please visit their website.
Why have a licensing program?
A trademark licensing program gives the university control over its logos and marks, thus ensuring the quality and consistency of all the university's merchandise. It also enables the university to generate revenue from the sale of merchandise bearing its logos and marks.
The revenue is used to support and enhance many programs campus-wide. Outside of the university, the trademark licensing program creates a cooperative and positive working relationship with the manufacturers and retailers who work with the university.
Who needs a license?
Anyone wishing to use the marks, logos and symbols of the university must obtain a license. If you have a question about licensing, visit Affinity Licensing's website.