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Federal Transition Guidance for Researchers

Arkansas State University is committed to supporting researchers as they navigate changes associated with the 2025 federal administration transition. This page is designed to provide faculty and staff with known information, guidance, and links to available relevant federal agency updates.

As information continues to develop, updates will be posted here. Principal Investigators (PIs) should reach out to research@astate.edu with grant-specific questions and copy their department chairs and deans. PIs are also asked to forward any stop-work orders to research@astate.edu and copy their department chair and dean.

Programs that receive federal funding assistance should continue their work unless they receive a stop-work order specific to their grant from (1) the federal government or (2) from University campus leadership. The University campus leadership has not issued any stop-work orders to date. All PIs should continue to adhere to federal effort certification and financial record keeping requirements.

Communication from Federal Agencies

Agencies that have issued communications include: