Welcome to Arkansas State University!

All A-State Student Research Award Opportunities can be found here:


ADHE SURF: Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program

Who can apply: Undergraduate students, must have a minimum of 30 hours completed with you start the program.

Award amount: Successful students receive up to $1,250 for a full year and $625 for one semester to conduct research with a faculty mentor. Research & Technology Transfer (RTT) provides 100% match for the student stipend, for totals of $2,500 (full year) and $1,250 (one semester). In addition, students may receive up to $750 in travel funds and the faculty mentor may receive up to $750 for travel and supplies.

Description: The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) offers the annual Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) competition to support all types of faculty-mentored undergraduate research projects and all academic disciplines are eligible.

Internal Deadline: October 13, at 11:59 PM

2024-2025 RTT Student Research and Creativity Travel Grant

Who can apply: All undergraduate and graduate students are eligible.

Award amount: Students may request up to $500 for individual travel.

Description: Student research travel funds are available through RTT for students who have submitted abstracts, or the disciplinary equivalent, such as auditions, and accepted to present at a conference. Applications are accepted during both the fall and spring semesters, and will be accepted until funds are expended. Notification of presentation acceptance must accompany the application. *Note - these funds are not for funding research travel or attending a conference without presentation.

Deadline: Apply at a minimum of at least 60 days before your anticipated travel date.