Welcome to Arkansas State University!

The Undergraduate Graduation and Academic Appeals Committee serves as an appeals committee for students contesting decisions on university requirements such as graduation requirements, academic suspension, and academic credit.

This committee addresses academic matters. For financial aid consideration, please see the financial aid appeal process.


Membership will consist of a faculty representative from each college and three students (one-year terms) appointed by the SGA. The Chancellor’s designee, the Registrar, a representative from the Office of Student Affairs, and a representative from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will serve as ex-officio, non-voting members. The committee will elect a chair at the beginning of each academic year.

Appeal Recommendations

Recommendations for individual student appeals concerning university requirements for graduation or academic requirements will be forwarded to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research with a copy to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.


The university committee meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. on Zoom.
Students are not required* to attend, but their attendance is recommended.

*Attendance is required if petition regards returning from academic suspension.

View the current membership roster >>

Procedure to Petition

  1. Complete the Petition Form with the assistance of your academic advisor.
    • Ensure all directions on the form are followed.
    • You are encouraged to provide as much supporting documentation as possible. (For example, if a significant life event or illness is the basis of the argument, you should provide as much documented evidence as you feel comfortable sharing.) The new online petition has a paper clip icon to select, which will prompt you to upload any relevant files. 
  2. After completing the form and attaching all relevant documentation, click SUBMIT. 
    • The form will automatically be sent to a representative of the college-level appeals committee. DO NOT forward or send the petition directly to the Office of the Registrar, as this can slow down the appeals process.
Select your college to fill out the appropriate form:

    Decision Process

    1. The college-level appeals committee votes on the petition and support material submitted.
      • The student petitioner is not part of this meeting.
    2. After this college-level vote, the petition moves on to the university-level committee.
    3. A committee member (usually one from the college of the student petitioner) will contact the student via email about the university-level meeting when the petition will be discussed.
      • This Zoom meeting is where the student petitioner should appear.
    4. The University Committee reviews the petition along with all supporting documentation and – if the student appears – verbal explanation provided by the student.
    5. The University Committee denies or approves the petition based on the information provided.
      • If more information is needed, the committee may table the petition and hear it at the next month’s meeting.
    6. The Registrar will then email the student with the committee's decision.

    If you have specific questions or need more details about any part of this process, contact your academic advisor for further guidance.