Students who wish to register for courses must do so online through Self Service. Instructions on how to register along with an explanation of the registration pages in Self Service can be located in our Student myCampus Registration Guide.
Download the Registration Guide >>
Registration Station >>
Registration Quick Tips
- Be sure you have been cleared to register by your advisor. Information on how to locate your advisor in Self Service can be located in our Student myCampus Registration Guide.
- Be sure you do not have any holds on your account that would keep you from registering. Information on how to view your holds in Self Service can be located in our Student myCampus Registration Guide.
- If you register for a course that you do not plan on taking, please make sure you drop the course in Self Service. Failure to do so may result in a 'WN' grade on your transcript. You could also be held financially responsible for these courses.
- Check the Registration Station for additional assistance available 24/7.
- For classes that are closed, you may be able to get on the waitlist for the class. This option will show in the drop down box if available.
Waitlisting Information
Waitlist Tutorial Video
Late Registration with Permission
Late registration for a course with the permission of the instructor is available to students after the web registration period has ended. Students are required to obtain permission from the instructor of the course. If the instructor consents, they can reach out directly to the Registrar's Office via email at
Registration Overload
The maximum academic load for students with less than a 3.50 cumulative grade point average shall not exceed 18 hours per semester. However, graduating seniors will be permitted to carry a one-hour overload during the last enrollment period if the one-hour overload will complete graduation requirements.
Students holding a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or above may request permission of the dean of their college to schedule up to 21 hours in a semester.
Students should enroll for no more than fifteen semester hours on a three-day schedule (MWF), or no more than twelve semester hours on a two-day schedule (TTh).
The total academic load resulting from concurrent enrollments at Arkansas State University and other institutions shall not exceed the maximum load stated above. Correspondence and off-campus courses are to be included when computing academic load for each enrollment period.
Download the Request for Registration Overload >>
Registration Permits
Permits to register for courses are given by the department that houses the course. If you know you will need a permit to register for a course, please contact the department. The moment a permit or override is assigned, an email will be sent directly to the student's University email address. The email will inform the student that a permit has been issued and will instruct them how to register online. The student is responsible for registering online after the permit is assigned.
Steps to Complete Registration After Receiving a Permit or Override:
1. Login to my.AState
2. Select "Banner9 Self Service Student"
3. From the list of additional links choose "Registration and Planning"
4. Click "Register for Classes"
5. Select the appropriate term and select "Continue"
6. Determine the CRN you are permitted into
7. Open the "Enter CRNs" tab
8. Enter the CRN in a box
9. Select "Add to Summary" then select "Submit"
Web Courses
Web (WEB) courses and web assisted (WEBA) courses are those that utilize the Internet for the instructional method between instructors and students. You can determine if you're registered in a web or web assisted section by viewing the instructional method of the course.
Steps to View the Instructional Method of a Course:
1. Login to my.AState
2. Select "Banner9 Self Service Student"
3. Locate your class schedule on the lower-right of your student profile
4. Select the CRN for one of your registered courses
5. 'Instructional Method' is listed on the "Class Details" tab of the pop-up
Student Identity Authentication Fee
Online classes are assessed a Student Identity Authentication fee to meet accreditation standards. The Federal Compliance Fee is applied to cover costs to meet Higher Learning Commission (HLC) federal compliance standards through authentication processes that include a variety of verification methods that best meet program needs. HLC guidelines require verification of the identity of students participating in online programs and classes institution-wide. The fee is assessed at the time that tuition and other fees are charged. You may pay for the fee with your tuition payment.
Proctoring services may include live proctoring that allows students to take exams from a secure environment using a secure personal computer. Instructors will provide specific information as to the methods and services used to authenticate student identity.
Specific information regarding cost per credit hour for the Student Identity Compliance fee may be viewed at the following links: