Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Student Affairs Technology Services

Student Affairs Technology Services overseas information technology operations within the division. We provide support for staff with technology related requests.

For students residing in the residence halls, we provide network connection assistance. Students can access our services by using the online Internet Connection form or phone.

Staff can access our services via the online Department Work order form, email (satech@astate.edu) or phone (2579).


  • Provide support for hardware and software request on Student Affairs desktops and servers
  • Provide network connection assistance for students residing in residential housing
  • Monitor and maintain computer labs in the residence halls
  • Provide assistance, support and advice on departmental web site maintenance and development
  • Provide software training for Student Affairs staff (upon request)
  • Research and evaluate hardware and software for Student Affairs Departments
  • Assist in project planning and implementation
Department Work Order

All Student Affairs departments in need of tech support should use this form to request our services.  Be sure to include as much information as possible.

Go to the form >>
Internet Work Order

Are you having issues connecting to the Internet in campus housing?  Submit your issues to the Student Affairs Technology Services helpdesk using this form.

Submit a work order >>
Frequently Asked Questions

Having a problem with connecting to the Internet, checking email or downloading some commonly available software?

Visit the Knowledge Base >>