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Britney Hall

Britney Hall was nominated by Johnathan Rohner for P.R.O.P.S. recognition. Johnathan said Brit Hall "has been a lifeline for me. On numerous occasions, she has set aside time away from her demanding role to help train me on new processes and give advice on how to handle day-to-day tasks. Her institutional knowledge is impressive and a valuable resource to all those around her. A-State is lucky to have a staff member like Brit who truly cares about the university and its employees."

P.R.O.P.S. subcommittee members Kelsey DeFord and Madeline Ragland spoke with Britney to learn more about her and her experience at A-State.


What is one thing you wish you could teach everyone about your role on campus?

I don’t know that I have anything to teach specifically about my role on campus, but I do want people to know that we all have a role in the overall big picture that makes up A-State. Everyone’s role is of equal importance. I always strive to assist in any way so I can help the next person. When I discover something that can help someone do their job better or more efficiently, I’m willing to share that information. As the saying goes: “Teamwork makes the dreamwork.”

What do you like most at A-State?

The people and the relationships that are built here at A-State are great, but the opportunities for advancement and growth have been something that I have experienced personally. I am forever grateful to the individuals who played a part in my journey thus far at A-State. When I started at A-State five years ago, I never would have thought I’d be where I am today. My career at A-State has far exceeded my expectations and I look forward to what the future holds.

The best advice I ever received was…?

Dr. Mary Jane Bradley once told me, “If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.” As someone who is somewhat of a perfectionist, making a mistake is a big deal to me. I’ve always related a mistake to failure, when really mistakes are where efforts of trying and learning take place. Mistakes are going to happen, and more often than not, mistakes can be fixed, and you know what not to do next time. I think one thing that has helped many of us on campus become more comfortable with mistakes is EPAFs. Those who have entered EPAFs know what I am talking about!

Before retiring, what would you like to do?

I feel like that is so far away, but I know it will be here before I know it. My plan for now is to retire from A-State, so, career-wise I want to just keep learning, growing, and finding ways to enhance and build on my skillset within my role on campus.

On the personal and financial side of things, I want to be prepared enough to be able to travel and fully enjoy retirement life.

If you could travel anywhere, it would be…

As far as the U.S., I would like to visit New England. I enjoy beautiful scenery and architecture, so taking a lighthouse tour throughout the New England states is on my list.

Out of the country, I would like to travel to the UK, again to see all the beautiful architecture, the cottages, cathedrals, castles, and landscapes, and of course enjoy the cuisine, as well! I have told my husband for years I just want to travel and try different foods from all over.

Most recent binge show…?

My family and I are not usually big TV watchers, but my husband and I just finished “A Million Little Things.” It’s a show about a group of friends that do life together and portrays real-life events and situations that we all experience. It’s a very heartwarming show, one that puts things in perspective of what really matters: the people you share life with and the memories and experiences that are had along the way.

What is your most prized possession?

When I think of the word “possession,” I think of an object, and I am not one to put much thought into “stuff.” What I treasure the most is my family and close friends. My husband and I have strived to instill in our daughters to treasure experiences rather than materialistic things. For years now, on birthdays and holidays we tend to go on trips and enjoy doing things together instead of buying things. They won’t remember the things that we bought them, but they will remember the things that they got to do and see and experience.