Kelly Sabin was nominated by previous A-State employee Madison Howard for P.R.O.P.S. Recognition. Madison said Kelly “puts so much effort into making this campus run smoothly. Her constant upbeat attitude is always a light to those around her... I believe this person is the perfect reflection of what a wonderful A-State staff member should be.”
Kelly works in the Office of Institutional Integrity and Title IX as a Project Program Specialist.
P.R.O.P.S. subcommittee members Keene Dunn, Cathy Naylor, and Karen Nelson spoke with Kelly to learn more about her and her experience at A-State.

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be, and what would your superhero name be?
I would like the power to calm people, to help control their emotions, help them think rationally, and realize what their words mean to other people. I like alliteration so let's go with the name Peace Promoter.
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
I have always wanted to go to Osaka, Japan – something about the traditional aspect of Japan that I want to experience. I would also love to go back to Belgium and the Netherlands and take my husband, because that was a very transformative experience for me.
What was the best advice you ever received?
When you know you know. Trust your gut, don’t second guess your intuition. That’s good advice for any aspect of your life.
If you had read every book or watched every movie, visited every country, accomplished every goal, what would you spend your time doing?
I love being outdoors and outside in the sun. I would want to travel the country in a camper van stopping at state and national parks and just enjoy life.
What’s your favorite memory from your time at A-State?
When I came to A-State as a student I went through a divorce and my grades suffered. I quit school for a little while and when I decided to come back I had to go through a lot of hurdles to get back into school. I was very overwhelmed and frustrated, and I was referred to Melissa Jackson, who helped me get everything taken care of and get re-enrolled. She really made a big difference for me.
What I like most about A‐State is…
A-State is a very tight knit community. We are a university but I feel like I know people in every college. We are very collegial and community-based. Students and employees feel comfortable being themselves at A-State. We foster a sense of inclusion and equity and have a lot of great mentors and encouragement to be your best self. If you don’t have a mentor – get one!
What is your vision for the future?
I am working on my Master’s degree and should be done with it next August. My original plan was to continue on to my doctorate, but I am going to take a break while my husband goes back to school. My husband and I would both like to have doctoral degrees. I see myself still working in higher education (probably at A-State) and retiring at 55.
What is one thing you wish you could teach everyone about your role on campus?
Our role in Title IX is not always what you would think it is. We do a lot of training and give life advice to students. A lot of times students might not realize how relationships and their choices can affect the course of their academics. We also offer supportive measures to anyone who may need them in our office.
If you had a megaphone that everyone in the world could hear for 5 minutes, what would you tell everyone?
Your words matter. What you say to people matters. Why would you say something hurtful to others? What good does that do? Just love people, and the world would be a better place. Treat people the way you want to be treated.