Welcome to Arkansas State University!

    COVID-19 Related

  • My travel has been canceled, what should we do?

    Contact the businesses you've made reservations and arrangements with, such as hotels, conference organizers, and airlines.

    If there are card transactions associated with the trip, complete the Cancellation of Travel form and attach it to the transactions in the Expense Report.

    If there were no card transactions associated with the trip, go into the Travel Request and click the "Close/Inactivate Request" button. Complete the Cancellation of Travel form and email it to Travel Services.

  • Will my airfare be refunded if I purchased it with personal funds?

    The university is not allowed to reimburse any travel expenses until after the trip has occurred. Since the travel has been canceled we will not be reimbursing airfare that was purchased with personal funds. However, any credits received from the airline that are used for university business in the future we will reimburse at that point. If the credits are used for personal travel we will not reimburse the airfare.

    Credits/Voucher from the airline:

    • Used for future university business = funds will reimbursed after that future trip
    • Used for personal travel = funds will NOT be reimbursed 
  • What should we do about airfare purchased on my T-Card or the Department Card?

    Each department must develop a standard for maintaining all airfare credits/vouchers to ensure that they are used for university business.

    • The credit/voucher MUST be used for future university business travel
    • Most airlines will provide a credit or voucher for future travel (generally within 12 months)
    • Some airlines may charge a cancellation fee that will be applied to the card

    In Concur:

    • The airfare transaction and any cancellation fees will still need to be reconciled on a Expense Report
    • As part of the documentation please attach the Cancellation of Travel form 
  • What should we do about hotel reservations made on my T-Card or the Department Card?

    Hotel Reservation Cancellations:

    • If you had to pay a hotel deposit, determine with them if a full refund can be obtained
    • Find out if there will be a cancellation fee and if the fee can be waived due to the pandemic

    In Concur:

    • The credits from a deposit refund or cancellation fees will need to be reconciled in Concur on a Expense Report
    • As part of the documentation please attach the Cancellation of Travel form to the transaction
  • What should we do about conference registration purchased on my T-Card or the Dept Card?

    Conference Registration Cancellations:

    • Find out if the registration can be refunded
    • Find out if there will be a cancellation fee

    In Concur:

    • The refund will need to be reconciled in Concur on a Expense Report
    • As part of the documentation please attach the Cancellation of Travel form to the transaction
  • What do I do about my trip being postponed and the Travel Request is already approved?

    If your supervisor still approves of you going at the rescheduled time...

    • Request that the postponement information be attached to your Travel Request by sending an email to travel@AState.edu with the information from the conference/trip organizers. If you have an email from the conference/trip organizers you can forward that instead of sending a separate email. 
    • Once the trip occurs, correct the dates on the Expense Report and enter a brief explanation in Additional Information about the trip being postponed.  

    If you will not be able to attend at the rescheduled time and there are no card transactions for the trip...

    • Request that the Cancellation of Travel form be attached to your Travel Request by sending the completed form to travel@ASate.edu.
    • In Concur, go to your Manage Requests page by clicking on the Requests button at the top of the page.
    • Select the Travel Request from the list of Active Requests.
    • Click the "Close/Inactive Request" button, then click "OK" on the pop-up message.

    If you will not be able to attend at the rescheduled time and there are card transactions for the trip...

    • In Concur, create the Expense Report to reconcile the card transactions. (see the other FAQ topics for what additional steps need to be taken)
    • Enter a brief explanation in Additional Information about the trip being postponed and that you are unable to attend at the rescheduled time. 
  • General

  • Is my trip considered international travel?

    A trip is considered international if it is outside the 48 contiguous states. Contiguous means that the states are touching. So international travel would include Alaska and Hawaii.