Welcome to Arkansas State University!


Come See Us!

Occupational Therapy Department Tour Only 


Our graduate assistants provide occupational therapy department tours every Friday afternoon from 1 pm - 5 pm. 


Tours include a viewing of our ADL, pediatric, and acute care labs, classrooms, physical agent modalities, virtual reality simulations, splinting labs, and an office tour with staff.


Occupational Therapy Department Tour and Meeting with a Program Director

The Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program (OTD) Director, Dr. Christine Wright, and the Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Program Director, Mrs. Andrea Brown, will be available the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month if you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss information about the program or requirements.  


Plan your trip to AState OT today! Contact our administrative specialist, Mrs. Suzette Hinkle through email at cahinkle@astate.edu. Please specify if you are coming to campus for just a tour or plan on meeting with a program director. Also specify if you are interested in the Associate or Doctoral program.

Occupational Therapy Department Open House

The Department open house is different from tours. The purpose of the open house is to discuss the application process for the OTA and OTD programs. 

Next OTA open house: TBD

Next OTD open house: TBD

Open house RSVP to our administrative specialist, Mrs. Suzette Hinkle, at cahinkle@astate.edu

Parking information:

  • For those attending a tour or open house, park in the north parking deck located in the middle of campus. View campus map.
  • Exit the parking deck towards the post office.  Eugene Smith Hall is across the street.  The building has two sets of double doors. Enter the left set of double doors, turn right, then left. The elevator is at the end of the hall. Come to the third floor. The OT office Suite is #318.
  • For directions to Jonesboro.   


The Occupational Therapy programs at Arkansas State University are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Located at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E, Bethesda, MD 20814. You can contact ACOTE at  www.acoteonline.org



Program results for the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy can be found online at: https://www.nbcot.org/Educators-Folder/SchoolPerformance

Entering Year/Graduation Year Students Entering/Students Graduated Graduation Rate
2015/2018 27/26 96%
2016/2019 30/29 97%
2017/2020 30/27 90%
2018/2021 30/28 93%
2019/2022 29/28 97%
2020/2023 29/29 100%
2021/2024 20/  
2022/2025 22/  
2023/2026 17/  
Total 175/167 95.4%


Information regarding the cost for the Occupational Therapy doctoral program: Occupational Therapy program costs