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Calculator Policy

For tests and exams in undergraduate classes of the College of Engineering and Computer Science  

There are specific requirements about calculators that students can use in tests and exams for undergraduate classes with the following prefixes: ENGR, CE, EE, and ME classes. 

To protect the integrity of all tests/exams, only the calculators listed below are allowed. This policy is following the NCEES guideline that can be found here (https://ncees.org/exams/fe-exam/): 

  • Casio: All fx-115 and fx-991 models (Any Casio calculator must have “fx-115” or “fx-991” in its model name.)
  • Hewlett Packard: The HP 33s and HP 35s models, but no others
  • Texas Instruments: All TI-30X and TI-36X models (Any Texas Instruments calculator must have “TI-30X” or “TI-36X” in its model name.)

Other than tests/exams, it is not necessary to use the calculators listed above but students are strongly advised to use those calculators. At their discretion, instructors of the classes listed above may (i) require the use of the calculators listed above for all work related to the course, (ii) allow calculators in their course(s) including the tests/exams other than those listed above, due to specific course/computational requirements. 

Undergraduate classes in other majors within the college do not have any specific calculator requirement.  In general, instructors for any undergraduate class in the college may not allow the use of calculators at all in certain exams. In this case, students will be notified in advance. 

Approved January 2025