Welcome to Arkansas State University!


The Communication Center is a non-judgmental space for students to practice and prepare oral presentations for any assignment, project, or speaking opportunity. Our trained student coaches are able to assist clients in developing, organizing, and delivering speeches -- from preparation to presentation. Our center is equipped with audio and visual recording capabilities so clients can review their work and coaching session after the appointment. Additionally, we can help with things like: citing sources, organizing thoughts, creating effective visual aids, and overcoming speech anxiety.

Who is the communication center for?

The Communication Center is designed to help:

  • Students preparing speeches for class assignments;
  • Faculty, students, and staff members delivering professional or scholarly presentations; and
  • Students, faculty, and staff members desiring to overcome speaking anxiety.

How does the Communication Center work?

 During coaching sessions, communication coaches will:

  • Assist clients in understanding assignment or project requirements;
  • Listen to speeches and presentations;
  • Engage in-depth discussions with clients about organizations, content, and presentation style of speeches and associated materials;
  • Work with clients to integrate proper documentation of sources into presentations;
  • Promote integrity and academic honesty as they guide clients in the research, creation and development of their presentations;
  • Encourage clients as they learn to apply new methods of research communication; and
  • Treat every client and their work with respect.

Communication coaches will not:

  • Tell clients what to include in their speeches;
  • Review work without clients being present;
  • Assign any grade to presentations, even informally; or
  • Discuss a client or their work with anyone outside the Communication Center without the client’s permission.