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Why Major in Philosophy?

1. Philosophy involves your thinking through some of life's biggest and most interesting questions

Are you in control of the choices you make?

What duties do you have towards your friends? Your parents? Your country? Strangers? (Ethics)

Does the way the world seems match up with objective reality? (Theory of Knowledge)

2. Philosophy makes you smarter

Philosophy helps you uncover assumptions, anticipate implications, see the big picture, and think outside the box. It develops your abstract, analytical, and systematic reasoning skills. Philosophy makes you better at arguing for your views (and winning debates at the Thanksgiving table).

3. Majoring in philosophy pays off (perhaps surprisingly) well in jobs & salaries

“[Philosophy majors] acquire general abilities that can be applied in many careers...Philosophy is for people who realize that the job market of the future is likely to change and that strong critical thinking skills and adaptability are essential for future success.” 

4. Majoring in philosophy is great preparation for grad school

Highest GRE verbal reasoning & analytical writing scores and 
2nd highest LSAT score of ANY major

Higher scores than business majors on the GMAT

More Information (Click Here)