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See Undergraduate Bulletin



Included/Eligible Philosophy Courses

Topics in Feminist Philosophy (PHIL 3773)

Topics include, but are not limited to: Feminist Epistemology, Feminist Ethics, and Feminist Philosophy of Science. Prerequisite, PHIL 1103 or instructor permission. Cross-listed as WGS 3773.

Likely Instructor: Michele Merritt (mmerritt@astate.edu)

***PAST*** Syllabus (download)Click Here
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Social and Political Philosophy (PHIL 4743)

Explores the justification, or lack thereof, of social and political institutions. Prerequisite, PHIL 1103, Introduction to Philosophy, equivalent, or instructor permission. Cross listed as WGS 4743.

Likely Instructor: Eric Cave (ecave@astate.edu)

***PAST*** Syllabus (download)Click Here
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Philosophy of Sex (PHIL 4763)

Explores the concept of sexual activity and the implications of various theories of sexual activity to our understanding of rape, sexual harassment, pornography, sexual fidelity, parenthood, and various other important contemporary sexual issues. Cross-listed as WGS 4763.

Likely Sections: Regular and Honors

Likely Instructor: Eric Cave (ecave@astate.edu)

***PAST*** Syllabus (download)Click Here
        (Not downloading? Try right-clicking & "open link in incognito window")