Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Writing Center Header

Need help getting started with Penji? Find everything you need here.

  • Schedule an appointment with a writing tutor
  • Click Here to make an appointments with the Writing Center. We offer:
    • Zoom or Face-to-Face,
    • 20 minute sessions for formatting, brainstorming, and papers shorter than two pages;
    • 45 minute single sessions for work longer than 2 pages, discussion, and review;
    • 45 minute weekly sessions for texts 10 pages or longer & sustained skill building. 
  • The Writer's Block: Graduate Writing Workshops
    • Are you a graduate student working toward a thesis or dissertation?
    • Click Here to register for our monthly workshops. 
      • Choose "Register for Events or Workshops.
      • Select the workshops you would like to attend.
  • Accommodations
    • The Writing Center is an inclusive space and we want you to feel comfortable here. We will never ask you if you have any physical or learning differences. However, if you don't see a service that you think meets your needs please reach our to our director. 
    • We can arrange extra session time or a quieter workspace. 
    • We can work with the Office of Access and Accommodations to meet your needs with your permission. 

The Writing Center is open to all Arkansas State University students, teachers, staff. If your piece of writing is important to you—no matter if it's personal, professional, or academic—it's important to us. Schedule an appointment through Penji today.

Penji Instructions

  1. Download the Penji App on your phone, or use the website on your computer.
  2. Sign in using your ASU email and password.
  3. From the menu on the left side of the screen, choose Learn.
  4. If you haven't before, join the Writing Center Community from the left menu
    1. To do this, look for the heading "Other Communities". Beneath it, click Writing Center, and then click Join Community.
    2. Note: If you've booked before and use Penji for other communities, you might have to 'Switch To' the Writing Center instead of Joining it. Do this by clicking the 'Switch To' button from the left menu until it cycles to 'Switch to the Writing Center'. Now when you click, you'll be in the Writing Center Community.
  5. Pick what type of appointment you want. Choose "Schedule appointment" for a single meeting, or you can choose a weekly appointment, group appointment, or weekly group appointment if you prefer.
  6. Choose your class. It'll be listed in the letter-number combination, but if you don't know your class's, you can always look it up in your syllabus. Even if it's for help with a personal project, you'll still need to pick a class; it's okay if it doesn't match.
  7. Pick a time. Just click the open slot most convenient to you!
  8. Pick a tutor. All our tutors are well-trained and ready to work with you, so there's no bad choice.
  9. Pick a location. You can either have your meeting in the Writing Center in-person or through Zoom online.
  10. Leave a message for your tutor. If you like, you can leave a comment for your tutor in the empty text box. After setting the appointment, we'll share a Google Drive Folder with your ASU email. Here, you can provide any materials you have, including assignment sheets and any writing you've already done, which helps your tutor prepare for your session.

That's it! Hit Complete and your appointment is set!