Welcome to Arkansas State University!


Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (A.A.S.N.)

College: College of Nursing and Health Professions

Department: Nursing

Degree Availability

The LPN to AASN Online Option is only available on the Jonesboro Campus.

Apply to A-State HERE.

Beginning Fall 2017, the A-State School of Nursing is offering an online alternative for LPN's working in acute or long term care who wish to attain their Associate of Applied Science in Nursing.

All courses will be taught in seven-week terms. All didactic courses will be delivered online, with the clinical component in a more "traditional" environment. Clinical hours will be held on selected weekends throughout each term in Jonesboro area health care facilities.


Curriculum and degree requirements can be found in the most current Undergraduate Bulletin.

Undergraduate Bulletin Reference
2024-25 Undergraduate Bulletin Click here.
2023-24 Undergraduate Bulletin Click here.
2022-23 Undergraduate Bulletin Click here.
Visit the bulletins page >>


    Prerequisite requirements for application to the ONLINE LPN to AASN degree program include:

    • Cumulative GPA of 2.50 including all college credits

    Prerequisites include the following courses:

    • BIO 2203 AND 2201, Human Anatomy and Physiology I and Laboratory
    • BIO 2223 AND 2221, Human Anatomy and Physiology II and Laboratory
    • PSY 2013, Introduction to Psychology
    • ENG 1003, Composition I
    • MATH 1023, College Algebra (or MATH course that requires MATH 1023 as a prerequisite)
    • NRS 2392, Health Assessment
    • NRSP 2391, Health Assessment Practicum
    The required courses can be found in the most current Undergraduate Bulletin.
    All required courses must be completed with a minimum "C" in each course.
    ALL prerequisite courses MUST be completed prior to the first semester in the program.


    Limited Positions Available

    Acceptance to the University does not guarantee admission to any nursing program.

    Admission Criteria:
    • Overall 2.5 GPA
    • LPN employment at an acute or long term care facility preferred.
    • Must hold unencumbered PN license.
    • An unencumbered LPN license is to be maintained throughout the program.

    To apply, submit the following by deadline. 

    1. Apply for admission to A-State for Undergraduate Admissions (NOT A-State Online).
    2. Apply for admission to the LPN-AASN Online option. The application is available August 31 - October 15th (for Spring program), January 5 - March 1 (for Summer program) and March 15 - May 1 (for Fall program). Link to apply is on the School of Nursing website (when available)
    3. Official transcripts of ALL college work must be submitted to the Registrar’s office.
    4. Validation of work experience (The applicant must provide proof of work experience reflecting a minimum of 1,000 hours of nursing employment during the past 12-24 months. (Acute or long-term care experience desired, i.e., hospital or nursing home)
    5. Take the required admission Assessments: 
      • The admission exam will be the HESI A2, three sections Reading Comprehension, Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) and Critical Thinking. Information on testing dates, payment and scheduling, will be available on the School of Nursing website (when available). Payment is non-refundable
      • Smarter Measure Online Readiness Assessment: This online readiness tool helps indicate the degree to which distance learning and/or learning in a technology rich environment will be a good fit for the student. This assessment requires students to answer questions and complete a few activities. It takes about 35 minutes to complete. Competencies measured are: reading rate and recall, technical competency, technical knowledge, typing speed and accuracy. Username: Online AASN  Password: Online1

      6.  Documentation of English proficiency, if applicable.

      7.  Spanish Proficiency:  Spanish proficiency is not required for application but may enhance the applicant’s overall score. Students must  prove their proficiency by taking the ACTFL – OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview). 

      8.  Professional Recommendations:  Students are required to have three academic or professional recommendations.  The Professional Recommendation link is located within the nursing application.

      9.  If you have previously attended a RN nursing program you did not complete, you MUST have the program Dean/Director send a letter stating your standing when you left the program. This letter must be in the nursing office by the application deadline.

      10. Applications will be ranked for admission by prerequisite GPA, admission exam, Online Learning Readiness assessment, professional recommendations,  with special consideration for those with Spanish proficiency.


      All application materials must be received by the deadline. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Applications are reviewed after the application deadline and preference is not given for early submission.  

      Additional Documentation

      Students admitted will be required to supply additional documentation, including current CPR certification, Hepatitis B   immunizations, TB skin test or chest x-ray, tetanus and MMR and proof of professional liability insurance (minimum $1,000,000/$6,000,000).

      Based on recent legislation in Arkansas, students admitted to professional programs that lead to licensure upon graduation are required to have a successful background check to complete formal admission. 


    • Work Experience

      The applicant must provide proof of work experience reflecting a minimum of 1,000 hours of nursing employment during the past 12-24 months.  (Acute or long-term care experience desired, i.e., hospital or nursing home) Click here for Employer Documentation of work experience.



      Upon completion of this program, the student is eligible to apply for licensure as a Registered Nurse.

      A first-time applicant for any license by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing will have a state and national criminal background check. Any offenses identified in section §17-87-312 of the Nurse Practice Act may prohibit a graduate from obtaining a license to practice as a Registered Nurse in the State of Arkansas.  Although an appeal may be possible there are offenses that permanently disqualify an applicant from licensure.

      The Nurse Practice Act may be viewed on the Arkansas State Board of Nursing website (www.arsbn.org

    • Readmission Process

      For students seeking readmission to the LPN-AASN Nursing program:

      Readmission Testing

      Students seeking readmission to the LPN-AASN nursing programs are required to pass a standardized test created from the objectives of the courses successfully completed in previous semesters.

      Criteria for readmission to the undergraduate nursing programs includes:

      • Complete readmission packet;
      • Recommendation of faculty;
      • Passing score (75%) on the standardized assessment test(s) of courses previously passed;
      • Cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0; and
      • Space availability in the class

      Please e-mail Brenda Goodwin for readmission applications and information on scheduling a testing date. 

      The cost of the readmission test is $50.00 and will be the responsibility of the student.

      Readmission Exam 

      In order to apply for readmission to a nursing program, applicants are required to take a readmission exam.  The required score to be successful is a 75% or greater. If you are not successful on the first attempt, you will be given another opportunity. Please email Brenda Goodwin with any questions.

      Program Application for Re-Admission

      Program applications for transfer and readmission will be available (Fall) April 30th - June 7th, (Spring) August 31st - October 15th and (Summer) March 1st - May 1st 

    • All AASN Program Statistics

      AASN Pass Rates

      First-time Pass Rate
      First-time Pass Rate and Repeaters
      Program Completion Rate

    The School of Nursing affirms that all students enrolled in the AASN program must possess those intellectual, ethical, physical and emotional capabilities required to undertake the full curriculum and to achieve the levels of competence required by the faculty for safe professional practice.  The criteria are included in the Nursing Student Handbook and are attached to the application for admission.



    For general questions and program information, please contact the following:

    Rochelle Morris, pre-nursing advisor
    (870) 972-3074

    For specific questions related to the application process and registration for pre-requisites (Health Assessment and Health Assessment Practicum) please contact the following:                                                                                                                                          
    Tammy Daffron
    (870) 232-6021

    The associate nursing program at Arkansas State University at the Jonesboro Campus located in State University, AR and ASU Mid-South Campus located in West Memphis, AR is accredited by the:
    Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
    3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326, Telephone: (404) 975-5000, http://acenursing.org/.
    The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the associate nursing program is continuing accreditation.
    View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program on the ACEN website.
    ACEN Logo
    The AASN program is also approved by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing.