Chancellor Hudson Highlights Achievements
During the Arkansas State University Board of Trustees meeting Friday in Jonesboro, A-State Chancellor Tim Hudson presented a video report to highlight several campus developments and recent achievements by the students, faculty and staff. The video report is available online, as is the ASU System news release about decisions made during the Board meeting.
Promotions to Associate Professor Announced
Fifteen faculty members were promoted to the academic rank of associate professor as a result of action Friday by the Board of Trustees.
Those promoted to associate professor and their respective disciplines are: Jeongho Ahn, mathematics; Jashim Mahmoud Ali, chemistry; Darlene Baker, nursing; Sandra Combs, multimedia journalism production; Yeon Sang Hwang, civil engineering; Kwangkook David Jeong, mechanical engineering; Becky Keith, physical therapy; Ryan Kelly, reading; Hideya Koizumi, chemistry; Kathryn Krueger, English; Sangshin (Sam) Pae, accounting; William Payne, clinical laboratory sciences; Debbie Shelton, nursing; Philip Tew, finance; and Ferebee Tunno, statistics.
14 Faculty Members Promoted to Rank of Professor
Congratulations to 14 faculty members whose promotions to the rank of professor were approved Friday. During a meeting in Jonesboro, the Board of Trustees approved recommendations from the Promotion, Retention and Tenure Committee and the university administration.
Those promoted to professor and their respective disciplines are: Lance Bryant, physical education; Shawn Drake, physical therapy; Steven Green, soil and water conservation; Marceline Thompson Hayes, communication; Xiuzhen Huang, computer science; J. Bruce Johnson, physics; Argelia Lorence, metabolic engineering; Tanja McKay, entomology; John Mello, marketing; Timothy Oliver, music; Paula Ruby, computer and information technology; Angela Schmidt, nursing; Kim Vickrey, graphic design; and Lily Zeng, creative media production.
Tenure Awarded to 11 Faculty Members
Eleven faculty members will begin the new academic year with tenure, as approved Friday by the Board of Trustees.
Congratulations to Jeongho Ahn, mathematics; Hashim Mahmoud Ali, chemistry; Xiankui (Bill) Hu, finance; Yeon Sang Hwang, civil engineering; Kwangkook David Jeong, mechanical engineering; Ryan Kelly, reading; Hideya Koizumi, chemistry; Kathryn L. Krueger, English; Sangshin (Sam) Pae, accounting; Philip Tew, finance; and Ferebee Tunno, statistics.
Mooneyhan Elected to Lead Faculty Association
Dr. Andy Mooneyhan, associate professor of physical education, will begin his term as president of the Faculty Association, and chair of Faculty Senate, effective in August. A faculty member since 2004, he has served seven years in the Senate, including two terms as vice chair. Mooneyhan has pledged to keep faculty informed and " . . . do my best to represent the faculty and their concerns in the most productive way possible."
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