McKay and Rolland’s Rice Research is Published
Dr. Tanja McKay (left), professor of entomology, and Dr. Virginie Rolland (right), associate professor of quantitative wildlife ecology, with former grad student Rachel Hampton co-authored a paper published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. They looked for detrimental effects from using infrared technology, used in drying rice, on germinating rice seeds destined for the next field season. They concluded lower-power intensities did not affect germination.
Frey to Lead Economic Development Group
Dr. Len Frey, executive vice chancellor, Finance and Administration, and chief operating officer, was recently elected president of the Jonesboro Economic Development Corporation (JEDC). JEDC has played a pivotal role in the economic growth of the community for approximately 70 years. Frey also serves on the Board of Directors of Jonesboro Unlimited and has been a leader in economic development efforts during the past two decades.
Roberts Elected President of Media Association
Congratulations to Larz Roberts, instructor in multimedia journalism production, who is serving his first term after being elected president of the Arkansas College Media Association. ACMA held its state conference and student media competition on the A-State campus earlier this month. A member of A-State’s faculty since 2004, Roberts also serves as internship coordinator and adviser to Red Wolf Radio and ASU-TV News.
Carpenter and Mohler Co-Author Safety Study
Dr. Amanda Carpenter (left), and Dr. Amanda Mohler (right) assistant professors of occupational therapy, along with OTD program alumni Dr. Allison Green and Dr. Meg Tedder, are co-authors of an article forthcoming in the Student Journal of Occupational Therapy. In their study, older adult participants completed a repeated-measures driving simulation, with and without passenger conversation. Findings suggest older adults should be cautious about engaging in conversation while driving, as it can impair their safety.
Lintz is April Pack Staff Award Winner
Stephanie Lintz was selected as April recipient of the PROPS (Proudly Recognizing Our Pack Staff) award and recognition by the Staff Senate. Her nominator noted Lintz’s very helpful disposition as an administrative specialist II in the Department of Physical Therapy and her caring demeanor both on-and off-campus. A Mississippi County native, Lintz has a son in his second semester at A-State. Her profile is online.
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