Yu is Co-Author of Two Articles to be Published
Dr. HoYeol Yu, assistant professor of sport management, is co-author of two research papers accepted for publication. One study, for Event Management, investigated the relationship between residents’ perceived image with their cities of residence and their attitudes towards sporting events by applying a reflective-formative hierarchical component model. The other study analyzed sport fans team-switching behavior, to be published in International Journal of Business in Sports, Tourism & Hospitality Management.
Tews and Students Present First Year Research
Dr. Philip Tew (right), director of the Scarlet to Black Financial Wellness Program, and Kerry Tew (left), first-year student success coordinator, Griffin College of Business, along with graduate students Lex Leonard, Melanie Ricker, and Hailey Hawkins and undergraduates Alyssa Pettit and Austin Murray made multiple presentations at the Conference on the First-Year Experience in Los Angeles. Details about their research to assist students are online.
Gilmer is February PROPS Award Winner
Congratulations to Vickie Gilmer, administrative specialist, Department of Political Science, who is the February recipient of the PROPS (Proudly Recognizing Our Pack Staff) award and recognition. Her nominator noted Gilmer’s very helpful attitude with supporting the interim chair, guiding work-study students with their responsibilities, and assisting other administrative staff members. She also has scheduled and promoted professional development training sessions for fellow staff members.
Hossain and Graduate Students Present Research
Dr. Zahid Hossain, professor of civil engineering, was joined by four graduate students to present research papers to the Transportation Research Board annual conference in Washington, D.C. He and Rupesh Mahat presented work funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) through Tran-Set; Mohammad Oyan and Rafiue Islam joined Hossain to present work funded by the Arkansas Department of Transportation; and he and Abu Sayed Akid reported on a second project funded by USDOT and Tran-SET.
Desai Examines Taxation and Contract Issues
Dr. Hrishikesh Desai, assistant professor of accounting, was interviewed by MoneyGeek.com for an article comparing the taxation friendliness of various U.S. states. He noted many Americans now live in one state and work in another due to pandemic-related remote work options. Also, in a paper accepted for publication in The CPA Journal, Desai discusses how CPA auditors should expect significant disruption caused by smart contracts and Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
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