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Rolland is Recognized by Wildlife Society

Dr. Virginie Rolland, professor of quantitative wildlife ecology, has been featured in the "Wildlife Vocalization" series produced by The Wildlife Society. Rolland also is lead author of research just accepted for publication in American Naturalist. Based on what they found from fatalities recovered from bird houses, the authors concluded that bluebirds that survived the 2021 winter storms were duller and larger than those that succumbed to the long-lasting freezing temperatures.

Rolland is Recognized by Wildlife Society
Bruce Presents on Concussion Protocols Bruce Presents on Concussion Protocols

Dr. Scott Bruce, professor of athletic training, and Dr. Morgan Benefield, medical director for the Master of Athletic Training program, made a presentation at the Southwest Athletic Trainers' Association Clinical Symposium in Hot Springs. They discussed the latest evidence and updated participants on the current evaluation and management recommendations for sports-related concussions.  They focused on the new bridge statement on sport-related concussion recently issued by the National Athletic Trainers' Association.

Chang Advises Business Owners on Credit Use

Dr. Erick P.C. Chang, associate professor of management, is featured in WalletHub's online resource for business operators who consider using a credit card. Chang advises managers that use of a credit card for operational expenses such as supplies and equipment is acceptable, but it is not so for cash advances and other uses that can result in bad cash flow. The article detailing Chang’s business credit card advice is available online.

Chang Advises Business Owners on Credit Use
Pulliam is Latest PROPS Award Recipient Pulliam is Latest PROPS Award Recipient

Congratulations to Kathryn Pulliam, data assessment coordinator for the Professional Education Program in the College of Education and Behavioral Science, who was selected by a Staff Senate committee as the PROPS (Proudly Recognizing Our Pack Staff) Award recipient for August. More information about Pulliam and why she won the recognition is online. PROPS winners are selected from a pool of candidates created from nomination forms.

Wimpy to Serve as Ambassador for CFR Program

Dr. Cameron Wimpy, associate professor of political science and chair, Department of Government, Law and Policy, has been named as a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Higher Education Ambassador for the 2024–25 academic year. The program is a nine-month engagement that connects educators worldwide with resources, professional development activities, and a network that will help students acquire the knowledge and perspective to navigate today’s connected world.

Wimpy to Serve as Ambassador for CFR Program
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