Camden Selected for Sim Leaders Program
Dr. Katharine Camden, assistant professor of nursing, has been selected through a competitive process to participate in the 2025 Leadership Development Program for Simulation Educators (Sim Leaders), conducted by the National League for Nursing Leadership Institute. The cohort includes 20 simulation educators chosen from colleges, universities and health care institutions. The simulation leadership development initiative is designed for the mid-career simulation nurse educator who aspires to a leadership role in simulation.
Naderi is First Author on Three Research Papers
Dr. Ehsan Naderi, assistant professor of electrical engineering and interim program director, is first author for three high-impact journal articles. In Smart Cities, the authors explored the impacts of coordinated false data injection (FDI) cyberattacks on voltage stability in smart cities through simulations and experiments. In IEEE Access, they proposed a two-phase framework for optimizing solar power integration and positioning volt-ampere reactive compensators to counter FDI attacks. In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, they developed a novel formulation for distribution network resilience and load management to protect against FDI attacks on under-load tap-changing transformers, achieving a 60% reduction in voltage collapse risk.
Martinez Appointed to HumanitiesAR Board
Dallas Martinez, artistic producing director of theatre and Fowler Center director, has been appointed to a three-year term on the Board of Directors for HumanitiesAR, the official name of the Arkansas Humanities Council. A nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, HumanitiesAR fosters connections and understanding through humanities-based programs across the state. In addition to his board role, Martinez will serve on the organization’s finance committee.
Natalie Eskew is PROPS Award Recipient
A student nominated Natalie Eskew, executive director of University Housing, to be the latest recipient of the Proudly Recognizing our Pack Staff (PROPS) Award, which is selected by a subcommittee of Staff Senate. She was recognized for the work she does on behalf of the students who live in campus residential facilities. Read more about Eskew online. Staff members are selected from a pool of candidates created from the PROPS nomination form.
Scarbrough and KASU Receive Kays Grant
Marty Scarbrough, program director, KASU, wrote a successful grant proposal to the Kays Foundation for $5,000 to purchase additional vintage LP records and CDs, featuring Arkansas-connected musical acts, for the station library. Their goal is to more completely present the music produced by in-state artists during broadcasts of “Arkansas Roots,” the KASU-produced program that showcases state-related musical acts in virtually all styles and genres.
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