Get to Know the Faculty: Scott Doig
New to Jonesboro and A-State, Scott Doig’s mission is to convince folks that “PE” isn’t what it use to be and activity is for everyone.

Scott R. Doig
Place of birth:
Schenectady, NY
My wife, Jennifer, and daughters, Addeline and Emalynn
Why did you choose A-State?
The faculty and students were friendly and set a high bar for what they expect their program to achieve. The university is growing and very supportive of their faculty.
What makes a good professor?
A good professor connects with students to understand their needs and prioritizes higher level learning over rote memorization. A great professor will keep themselves on the cutting edge of their field through research and continued growth in their area of expertise. An excellent professor never settles for good enough, but continues to tweak their lessons and research to improve their work.
Before you retire I want to...
visit the Seven Wonders of the World with my family.
In college, I was known for...
playing volleyball whenever I had spare time.
Who was your favorite teacher (and why)?
My favorite teacher, Mr. Maz facilitated a creative learning environment to help connect us as students to the content in the class. In fifth grade, my focus was not on American history, but the project that Mr. Maz created helped me remember Lewis and Clark’s expedition across the United States. He had each group create an authentic way to present a part of Lewis and Clark’s journey. My partner and I built a lean-to and played the part of Lewis and Clark when presenting our project to the parents on Parent-Teacher Conference Night.
What music is playing in your car?
Angels and Airwaves
What is your favorite podcast?
What makes for a good student?
A good student takes their responsibilities as a learner seriously and participates fully in the learning activities in and out of class. As future leaders, the student is willing to ask questions and communicate with those around them to assist in their own growth as well as the growth of those around them.
The best advice I ever received was...
The first step to success is showing up!
What’s the value of a university education?
A university education is as much a time to train for a future career as a time to gain a better understanding of yourself. Through the experiences that you have during your time on campus you learn about new interests, learn how to communicate with others, and gain the opportunity to take on roles that you not have known existed before. These experiences expand a student’s world view and assist the student in making more knowledgeable life decisions. Taking advantage of an opportunity starts with first knowing that an opportunity exists.
If you could teach another field, which one and why?
Psychology. There are many ways in which an individual grows, learns and develops, which impacts how that individual perceives the world and reacts to the events that occur around them. My field, physical education, brushes up against the field of psychology, in that physical educators have to attempt to establish an interest of physical activity, a perception of competence, and the confidence to pursue a healthy lifestyle in others. Many psychological theories help me understand my students better and assist my student in reaching their future students.
My favorite motion picture is...
Goonies or Shawshank Redemption
The last book I read for fun was...
The Divergent Series
What is the one thing you wish you could teach everyone about your field?
The field of physical education has changed drastically as years have passed. Research now shows that physical activity is beneficial for cognitive performance and growth, physical and mental health. Due to unfortunate experiences that some people have had in physical education, the importance of the practice has not been recognized. So if it was one thing that I would like everyone to know about physical education it would be that at least 30 minutes of moderately active participation in physical education can drastically improve student test scores.
Beach or mountains?
Dinner or supper?
What are you working on right now?
I am conducting a comparative case study analysis to assess what factors of current physical education programs are most affective at developing perceived physical literacy factors and self-reported physical activity behaviors.
My favorite trip was...
cruising through the Mediterranean.
If I could travel anywhere it would be...
Grecian Islands, The Great Wall, Australia, Plane hop through the South Pacific Islands… Any of the above.
What is the one thing I’ve learned I’d tell my college self...
Your future success is based on the give that you give right now.
My hobby is...
volleyball and writing.
My passion is...
my family.
My pro sports team is...
Green Bay Packers.
My pet peeve is...
changing plans last minute, or excuses.
My favorite meal is...
A perfect day is...
a sunny early Fall weekend day.
E-book or hardback?
I love a hardback, but like the convenience of E-books.