Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Hiring Full-time Employees

Step 1: Request Position

  1. Discuss with supervisor
  2. If request is for a faculty position, complete an Academic Position Review Form and submit to supervisor
  3. Submit to Vice Chancellor

Step 2: Post Job

  1. If you have not already, contact Human Resources to request access to Taleo
  2. Create Requisition in Taleo
  3. Requisition will route through departmental and administrative approvals
  4. Human Resources will approve and post jobs to appropriate career web sites

Step 3: Review Candidates

  1. Form Search Committee - Contact Human Resources to set up search committee access
  2. Select candidates for interview within Taleo
  3. Human Resources will review candidates selected for interview
  4. Human Resources contacts hiring manager with approved list of candidates

Step 4: Schedule Interviews

  1. Contact candidates to schedule interview
  2. Create Interview in Taleo
  3. Document reference checks in Taleo

Step 5: Submit Candidate Offer 

  1. Submit Offer Letter in Taleo
  2. Human Resources extends verbal offer to candidate
  3. Human Resources submits background request to candidate via email
  4. Human Resources submits written offer to candidate
  5. Candidate e-signs offer/contract (replaces contract request form/paper offer letter)

Step 6: Human Resources Initiates Onboarding Process

  1. New Employee completes Onboarding (New Hire Packet) electronically
  2. Payroll Services ensures new employee information is created in Banner
  3. Within 48 hours, an email notification is sent to the new employee’s personal email address with instructions to activate their A-State account and other important steps that need to be completed quickly.


    System Access, Posting Jobs, Candidate Applications, and General Questions - Kristin Helms at 2446

    Interviews, Offers, and Onboarding - Ashley Alexander at 8163