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Chancellor Notes Significance of NYITCOM's First Commencement and the Future of Healthcare

Chancellor Kelly Damphousse issued the following statement to the A-State community on Friday, April 3, following the notice of the first coronavirus case...

05/20/2020 11:45 AM

Efforts to Enhance Health Care Access Reach Milestone with NYIT Medical School’s First Graduates

Arkansas State University’s effort to expand and enhance medical care throughout Arkansas and the Delta reaches a historic milestone Thursday as its partner...

05/20/2020 11:00 AM

Mullin Appointed Biological Sciences Department Chair

Mullin Appointed Biological Sciences Department Chair

Stephen J. Mullin is joining the Arkansas State University faculty as the chair of the Department of Biological Sciences, Dean of Science and Mathematics...

05/20/2020 9:15 AM

College of Agriculture Recognizes Top 2020 Graduating Students

The College of Agriculture at Arkansas State University recognized its outstanding students for the 2019-20 academic year.

05/20/2020 9:00 AM

College Announces Associate Dean, Accreditation Director

College Announces Associate Dean, Accreditation Director

Two new appointments in the College of Engineering and Computer Science will further advance the college's emphasis on student success and program quality...

05/19/2020 6:30 AM

Inside A-State - 05/19/2020

Inside A-State - 05/19/2020

05/19/2020 12:00 AM

Engineering and Computer Science Presents Top 2019-20 Awards

Engineering and Computer Science Presents Top 2019-20 Awards

Seventeen students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Arkansas State University have been announced as the most outstanding graduating...

05/18/2020 10:00 AM

Ellis Library Tower Lightings Celebrate Spring Graduates

As the traditional commencement month of May continues, Arkansas State University is announcing additional lightings of the Dean B. Ellis Library clock...

05/15/2020 5:00 AM

A-State is Recipient of NYIT'S Riland Medal of Public Service

A-State is Recipient of NYIT'S Riland Medal of Public Service

New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM) at Arkansas State University has announced it will honor four organizations ...

05/14/2020 4:15 AM