Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Professor of History

Graduate Program Director


  • Ph.D. History, University of Oklahoma, 2013
  • MA History, University of Central Oklahoma, 2008
  • BA History, Northeastern State University, 2005

Courses Taught

World History since 1500, Latin America: Colonial Period, Latin America: National Period, History of Mexico, Practice of History, Intro. to History and Social Studies, and special topics in the History of Technology, among others. 

Research Interests

History of technology, engineering, and expertise in Latin America; the Mexican Revolution; electronic communications; infrastructure and social inequities


Justin Castro is a scholar of modern Latin America whose research focuses on technology, engineering, and society, especially in Mexico. He is the author of a number of peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, two monographs--Radio in Revolution: Wireless Technology and State Power in Mexico, 1897-1938 (2016) and Apostle of Progress: Modesto C. Rolland, Global Progressivism, and the Engineering of Revolutionary Mexico (2019). Most recently he was co-editor and a contributor to the edited volume Technocratic Visions: Engineers, Technology, and Society in Mexico, 1876-1946 (2022). He is currently working on a book titled A History of Technology and Society in Latin America. He joined the Department of History at Arkansas State University in 2013.

Justin Castro

Contact Information


Building: HSS
Room: 4036

Office Hours

TR: 2:00-4:00PM and by appointment