Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Psychology and Counseling

School Psychology

Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)

College: College of Education & Behavioral Science | Graduate School

Department: Psychology and Counseling

The Ed.S. Degree in Psychology & Counseling with an emphasis on School Psychology prepares students for careers as School Psychologists. These professionals work with parents, teachers, students, educators, and others to best meet the educational and mental health needs of children.

Students who complete the program are eligible to take the Praxis II School Psychology Specialty Examination in order to become licensed as School Psychology Specialists with the Arkansas Department of Education and license School Psychologists in other states. Many also seek National certification in School Psychology (i.e. NASP). Licensed School Psychology Specialists provide specialized services in the schools.

The degree program consists of 64-semester hours that requires coursework consistent with the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary & Secondary Education standards. The School Psychology track is fully accredited by NASP. Students receive education and training in the following ten NASP 2020 domains:

  • Data-Based Decision Making
  • Consultation & Collaboration
  • Academic Interventions and Instructional Supports
  • Mental and Behavioral Health Services and Interventions
  • School-Wide Practices to Promote Learning
  • Services to Promote Safe and Supportive Schools
  • Family, School, and Community Collaboration
  • Equitable Practices for Diverse Student Populations
  • Research and Evidence-Based Practice
  • Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice
  • Admission Process

    Students admitted to the degree program will demonstrate professional qualities consistent with those for effective performance in academic and practice settings. An applicant who qualifies may be admitted with or without conditions. To qualify for either admissions status, an applicant must meet criteria printed in the current ASU Graduate Bulletin.

    In addition to application materials required by the Graduate School, applicants must submit: (a) all college transcripts, (b) a statement of educational & career aspirations. In addition, applicants must provide 4 recommendations under separate cover (2 from past professors) using the program's applicant recommendation rating form, and, if invited, appear for an interview with the degree committee.

    Application materials are available from:

    A-State Graduate School
    PO Box 60
    State University, AR  72467-0060

    PH:  870-972-3029

    Apply Online >>

  • Faculty & Field Supervisor Overview

    The full-time faculty who hold the doctorate (Ph.D.) in School Psychology are graduates of APA and NASP approved programs. These faculty are licensed and have extensive experience working in school settings as school psychology specialists/school psychologists. They are actively engaged in teaching, research/scholarship and service specific to the profession of school psychology.

    The other faculty within the department and adjunct faculty associated with the program possess expertise in related areas including counseling. They also contribute to the program through their teaching, research/scholarship, and service.

    The program strongly encourages students to become actively involved in research/scholarship and service specific to school psychology through local, state, and national professional organizations.

    Outstanding field supervisors who are licensed school psychology specialists/school psychologists, many of whom are graduates of the program, volunteer their knowledge, skills, and time to supervise practicum student and interns. A number of these practitioners have also graciously served as adjunct instructors for the program.

  • Course Requirements

    Curriculum and degree requirements can be found in the most current Graduate Bulletin.

    Visit the bulletins page >>
  • Degree Committee

    John D. Hall, Ph.D., LP (AR), SPS, NCSP
    James and Wanda Lee Vaughn Endowed Professor of Psychology and Counseling
    University of Cincinnati
    Email:  jhall@astate.edu
    Phone:  870-972-3041

    Kristin Johnson, Ph.D., NCSP
    Assistant Professor of Psychology
    University of Southern Mississippi
    Email: krjohnson@astate.edu
    Phone: 870-680-4844

    Kristina M. Sanders, Ed.S, SPS, NCSP
    Instructor of Psychology
    Arkansas State University
    Email: krsanders@astate.edu
    Phone: 870-972-3164

    Patrick J. McNicholas, Ph.D
    Visiting Professor of Psychology
    University of Memphis
    Email: pmcnicholas@astate.edu 
    Phone: 870-972-8154

  • Affiliate Faculty

    Blake Sandusky, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor of Counseling
    Auburn University

Accredited by NASP

Our program is fully nationally accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), which represents 25,000+ school psychologists, grad students, & related professionals throughout the U.S.

Visit their website >>