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Promise Plus Scholarship Expanded to Better Serve Future A-State Students


Parents react to the announcement of the 2025-26 A-State Promise Plus.
JONESBORO – The promise of an easier path to higher education continues at Arkansas State University.   

Chancellor Todd Shields and Dr. Calvin White Jr., provost and executive vice chancellor, unveiled the 2025-26 A-State financial aid and scholarship package to an unsuspecting campus tour group of soon-to-be high school seniors and their families. The updated package includes additional investment in institutional merit scholarships and the A-State Promise Plus.
“When you consider the unmatched opportunities provided on campus, our generous financial aid offerings, and the total cost of attendance, including fees, housing, meal plans, books, and the community cost of living, no one can compete with Arkansas State,” said Dr. Shields.   
The A-State Promise Plus, announced last fall, has opened the door to higher education for many Arkansas families. Over 20% of incoming first-year students this fall are Promise Plus recipients, allowing them to pursue a college degree. The 2025 version of the A-State Promise Plus will provide even more opportunities for students. 
“For incoming 2025 Arkansas high school graduates, the A-State Promise Plus Scholarship will cover 100% of their tuition, fees and housing,” said Dr. White.   

The updated Promise Plus will include a full housing scholarship worth over $5,000 for students living on campus. For those living off campus, the updated financial aid package provides a boost to help fuel success.
“For first-year students who live at home and commute to campus, the A-State Promise Plus will cover their tuition and fees, provide a $1,000 All-Flex Meal Plan, and $500 in A-State Express Dollars per semester,” White continued.  
“The A-State Flex can be used at the cafeteria, on-campus food vendors and concession stands at athletic events. A-State Express Dollars are accepted at the university bookstore and other approved local businesses.”  
“It is important that our commuters feel valued as part of the pack. The off-campus Promise Plus allows these students to participate in everyday college experiences like eating in the cafeteria, grabbing coffee with a study group, or cheering for the Red Wolves on gameday,” Shields added. 
The A-State Promise Plus is a last-dollar scholarship that covers the remaining costs once federal grants and the Arkansas Academic Challenge or Lottery Scholarship are applied.   
To qualify, students must have a 19 or higher on the ACT, or a 990-1010 on the SAT, a 3.0 GPA, and a household income of $70,000 or less that will better support students and their families since the Arkansas median household income is $55,432.
Renda McGee, who along with her twin sons attended the campus tour said this is the eighth campus tour they have attended. 
"We live in Dallas and this has been the best tour we have been on. I'm excited that even though we live in Texas, we get the same in-state tuition as everyone else," said McGee. 

"I love the energy and I love all the information. It's a lot of scholarships. It is affordable and not too big. I think the class size will be good for both of them. We have never had this much energy. We have never met a chancellor before. I think this is a great university,"  she added.
In addition to the revised Promise Plus, A-State is increasing the value of its merit scholarships, including the A-State Inspire and A-State Enrichment, by $1,000. Eligibility for the merit scholarships will also include out-of-state students, providing another reason for those considering A-State to attend the university. 
The A-State Transfer Scholarship, for students with 24 credit hours and a 3.25 GPA, will also be increased by $1,000. Students who transfer from an ASU System campus with their associate’s degree and a graduating 3.25 GPA will receive an additional $1,000 on top of the updated total.