Get to Know
our Faculty
Which faculty member’s passion is Michael Jackson? Or Legos? Or Homemade Pho? What staffer was a college bicycle racer? Coaches the shooting sports team on the side? Is seriously working on tractor beams?
Irreverent, funny and always informative, our Get to Know series allows the personalities of the faculty and staff who make up the Red Wolves community shine.
Nominate Someone to Get to Know
Dr. Todd Shields
Dr. Todd Shields’ first day as chancellor was nine days before the fall semester. If you’ve heard him speak lately, he describes it as “drinking from a fire hydrant.” Now that Homecoming is behind us, we thought it would be a great time for him to sit down with a familiar face to share a little more about himself and his vision for A-State.Dr. Mickey Latour
A native of our neighbor in Mississippi, Dr. Mickey Latour, loves his Saints, NASCAR and a life-long commitment to excellence in higher education. Let’s...
Dr. Sina Zare
Sina Zare is Assistant Professor of Supply Chain & Operations Management in the Neil Griffin College of Business. Born in Iran, Sina brings his dedication...
Terrance Armstard
A man whose career is spent capturing images, Terrance Armstard brings a global perspective (and the passport stamps to prove it) to his position with ...
Ryan Sullivan
Dr. Ryan Sullivan is Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Arkansas State University. During his career, he has directed choirs...
Juli Buxbaum
Arkansas State University Instructor of Horn Dr. Juli Buxbaum, can literally blow her own horn, which is, as you’ll learn in this Get To Know, one of her...
Abhijit Bhattacharyya
Our new dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science comes to A-State with an excitement for starting change and a world view to make it happen...
Steven Riley
Let’s get to know the leader of The SOUND of the Natural State Marching Band, Steven Riley. The former Illini drum major might surprise you with his hobby...
Scott Doig
New to Jonesboro and A-State, Scott Doig’s mission is to convince folks that “PE” isn’t what it use to be and activity is for everyone.
Scott Bruce
Scott Bruce is a Pittsburgh fan through and through, but his work with athletes of all types is his passion. Let’s Get to Know the history buff who’s ...
Brianna Larson
Get to Know Brianna Larson, a native of Fargo that is a show stopper at heart, and the faculty member you want at karaoke night.
Jon Carvell
When the skies darken or the sirens wail, A-State’s campus emergency coordinator Jon Carvell is your go-to staff member in case of zombie apocalypse. ...
Karen Kleppe Graham
Karen Graham has been all across the country. She was drawn to Arkansas State by our size and focus, but Jonesboro helped close the deal. Let’s learn...
Pradeep Mishra
While some may know Pradeep Mishra as a key member of the last university-owned printing press operation in the state, the India native is passionate about...
Adonis Thompson
Truly a product of the program, Adonis Thompson is now “at home” as a key staff member of the campus housing. Let’s Get to Know the man behind that voice...
David Handwork
You may not know him, but we bet you’ve walked, driven or worked in a part of A-State he’s had a chance to guide construction or renovation. We’re waiting...
Khem K. Aryal
Without question, Khem Aryal presents us with one of the most global foursomes for coffee in our Get to Know series. Learn more about Khem’s inner writer...
Gabriel Horowitz
New Yorker Gabriel Horowitz is nothing if not eclectic. Let’s Get to Know the guy who’ll be crushing The Ramones at karaoke wearing his Sabres team sweater...
Eric Scudamore
Let’s get to know Eric Scudamore, who we imagine this weekend is shredding Craighead Forest’s mountain bike trails to Plowed by Sponge.
Nicole Covey
Aside from being passionate about developing educators for her home region, Nicole Covey just might be the new faculty member you want to pick for karaoke...
Tatsiana Chaiko
Tatsiana Chaiko joined the Department World Languages and Cultures in 2016 as an instructor of Spanish. Her passion for learning new languages has led ...
Roy Lee Aldridge Jr.
Dr. Roy Aldridge is one of the most beloved professors on campus. Roy has been working to help community members and veterans at A-State for 17 years. ...
Jeff Bailey
Much more than the “head librarian,” Jeff Bailey leads the Dean B. Ellis staff that teaches Arkansas State students how to master the use of information...
Dr. Farhad Moeeni
Dr. Farhad Moeeni is Professor of Operations and Information Systems, and the Founder of Data Automation Laboratory at Arkansas State University. Dr. Moeeni...
John D. Hall
When we say that John Hall is part of the Arkansas State family, it might be an understatement. From daughters pursuing degrees to his father’s role...
JoAnna Cupp
Assistant professor JoAnna Cupp is a proud faculty member of the dietetics program at A-State. Her passion for food and nutrition shines through this edition...
Edward Salo
History’s Ed Salo is a renaissance man who manages to tie together a passion for pro wrestling with his devotion to the study of the Greatest Generation...
Shelley Gipson
Shelley Gipson was a beloved professor of art who passed away in April 2023. As a way for her colleagues, students and friends to remember her, Shelley’s...
Amy Buzby
Amy Buzby is a professor of political science that brings us, once again, an extremely revealing Coffeehouse Four for this week’s Get to Know.
Tillman Kennon
When folks say Always Rising about the Red Wolves, no one matches Tillman Kennon’s students in the Arkansas BalloonSAT team that are part of NASA’s national...
Dr. Shivan Haran
Let’s take a moment to meet the engineer and out-of-the-box thinker who decided to take robotics construction and programming to second graders at Valley...
Justin Castro
These days, Justin Castro is rockin his research and lectures for the A-State history department.
Kellie Wilson Buford
As Kellie Buford reminds us in this week’s Get to Know, a school’s colors can be an important part of the employment decision. And, who else can combine...
Dr. Gregory Hansen
Gregory Hansen’s love of all things that make up heritage comes through in this week’s “Get to Know.” And yes, to no one’s surprise, the faculty advisor...
Dr. Elizabeth Nix
Libby Nix is Miss A-State through and through. A legacy graduate whose own children currently attend, Libby’s family might be the most Red Wolf of all...
Dr. Mary Jane Bradley
Mary Jane Bradley became the dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Science last month, and we caught up with her to get to know a bit more about...
Philip Jackson
Philip Jackson is a product of the university, he brings a special passion to his role in supporting our educational mission. And while accounting might...
Dr. Katie Hill
Let's meet Dr. Katie Hill, the director of the newly opened R.M. “Bob” Wood Sales Leadership Center. The center provides a laboratory environment for students...
Jessica Curtis
Let's meet Jessica Curtis, who chose A-State because she felt like it was a place where she could not only help students grow academically and personally...
Sheena Gammon
Let’s meet Sheena Gammon, who knows that business touches everyone's lives and might have the most interesting party of four at the coffeehouse we’ve seen...
Jody Long
Let's meet Dr. Jody Long, assistant professor of social work, who came to Arkansas State after 18 years at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center...
Monika Myers
This week we profile one of A-State’s online faculty members, Dr. Monika Myers in criminology and sociology. While she now calls Arizona home, she’s a...
Dr. Mark Foster
Let’s get to know a new member of our outstanding nursing faculty, Dr. Mark Foster. Well... we’re pretty sure Mark filled out the form. Read on to...
Ronald W. Sitton
Ronald Sitton is an Instructor in the College of Media and Communication with a passion for all things journalism.
Dr. John Mello
Dr. John Mello joined A-State in 2006 after spending nearly 30 years in the consumer packaged goods industry. He is the director of the Center for Supply...
Dr. Dixie K. Keyes
Dr. Dixie Keyes joined the faculty at Arkansas State University as a Professor of Middle Level Education in 2006. Her research focuses on teacher knowledge...
Dr. Paul Mixon
Paul Mixon’s passions are his engineering students and mountaineering. He recently added one of the most remote peaks of the Colorado 14ers – San Luis...
Jake Qualls
Jake Qualls, an instructor of Computer Science, is working with the Governor’s Computer Science Initiative to bring quality computer science courses to...
Kim Boyd Vickrey
Professor Vickrey has been teaching at A-State for over 15 years. She is very involved with the American Advertising Federation and is the graphic design...
Dr. Lauren Schack Clark
As A-State’s director of keyboard studies and music graduate studies, Dr. Lauren Schack Clark has a great passion for her music, her students and Arkansas...
Dr. Philip Tew
Dr. Philip Tew is an assistant professor of finance in the College of Business and an adviser to our award-winning Phi Beta Lambda Chapter. Let's get to...
Dr. Hans J. Hacker
Dr. Hans J. Hacker serves as pre-law adviser to the department, college and university. He is the faculty co-sponsor of the Pre-Law Club, and co-director...
Dr. Jennifer Bouldin
As the proud first female PhD recipient from A-State, Jennifer Bouldin is a product of both the program and the region. Let’s get to know this Paragould...
Dr. Ryan R. Kelly
The next faculty profile is Dr. Ryan R. Kelly, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education. Find out why Ryan chose A-State and what he believes has the power...
Dr. Lacy Overley
The next faculty profile is Dr. Lacy Overley, Assistant Professor of Counseling. Find out why Lacy chose A-State and how her career has been influenced...
Dr. Paul Sikkel
The research of Dr. Paul Sikkel, associate professor of Marine Ecology, has taken him all over the world, including Mexico, Hawaii, Australia, Panama and...
Gauri-Shankar Guha
Along with one of the most diverse playlists we’ve received so far, Gauri-Shankar Guha is also the coach of Arkansas State’s national title winning shooting...

Claudia Benavides-Espinoza
Dr. Claudia Benavides-Espinoza is an assistant professor of sports management. Let’s get to know Dr. Benavides-Espinoza.
Dr. Po-Lin Pan
Joining Arkansas State in August 2009, Dr. Po-Lin Pan is an associate professor of strategic communications. Let’s get to know Dr Pan.
Cherisse Jones-Branch
An associate professor of history, Dr. Cherisse Jones-Branch joined A-State in 2003. Let’s get to know her.
Holly Hall
Joining A-State wasn’t a choice for Holly Hall as much as fulfilling a legacy. Not only growing up in Jonesboro and attending Jonesboro High, her parents...

Dr. Argelia Lorence
Our next faculty interview is with Dr. Argelia Lorence, who was recently named one of five fellows of the Arkansas Research Alliance. Dr. Lorence is an...

Dr. Brandon Kemp
Our next faculty interview is with Dr. Brandon Kemp, associate professor of electrical engineering, a Jonesboro native who returned to his alma mater after...

Kristi Costello
In a new series for 2015, we sat down with members of the faculty to learn a little more about them outside of the classroom. We begin with assistant ...