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Associate Professor of Bioinformatics

Research Interests

Dr. Bhattacharyya’s interest and experience span a broad spectrum of research domains, ranging from multi-omics and multi-modal data integration for understanding disease pathobiology, particularly in brain-related disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, and anxiety disorders, to the development of machine learning and deep learning models for healthcare applications. These applications include disease risk predictions, mapping social and behavioral determinants of health, missing value imputation for electronic health records, and addressing algorithmic bias in healthcare. Additionally, her data analyses are focused on developing spatio-temporal machine learning models to identify high-risk clusters of diseases such as colorectal cancer in Arkansas and the US, as well as studying the impact of social, environmental, and lifestyle factors on these disease clusters.
Key words: Multi-omics, Systems Biology, Neurodegenerative diseases, Public Health Informatics, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence.

Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals (Selected)

Greer ML, Zayas CE, Bhattacharyya S. (2022). Repeatable enhancement of healthcare data with social determinants of health. Frontiers in Big Data, 5: 894598. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdata.2022.894598
Rashkin SR, Cleves M, Shaw GM, Nembhard WN, Nestoridi E, Jenkins MM, Romitti PA, Lou XY, Browne ML, Mitchell LE, Olshan AF, Lomangino K, Bhattacharyya S, Witte JS, Hobbs CA, The National Birth Defects Prevention Study. (2022). A genome-wide association study of obstructive heart defects among participants in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 188(8): 2303-2314. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajmg.a.62759
MahmoudianDehkordi S, Bhattacharyya S, Brydges CR, Jia W, Fiehn O, Rush AJ, Dunlop BW, Kaddurah-Daouk R. (2022). Gut microbiome-linked metabolites in the pathobiology of major depression with or without anxiety—A role for bile acids. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16: Article 937906. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2022.937906
Brydges CR, Bhattacharyya S, Dehkordi SM, Milaneschi Y, Penninx B, Jansen R, Kristal BS, Han X, Arnold M, Kastenmüller G, Bekhbat M, Mayberg HS, Craighead WE, Rush AJ, Fiehn O, Dunlop BW, Kaddurah-Daouk R, Mood Disorders Precision Medicine Consortium. (2022). Metabolomic and inflammatory signatures of symptom dimensions in major depression. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 102: 42-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2022.02.003
Brydges CR, Fiehn O, Mayberg HS, Schreiber H, Dehkordi SM, Bhattacharyya S, Cha J, Choi KS, Craighead WE, Krishnan RR, Rush AJ, Dunlop BW, Kaddurah-Daouk, R. (2021). Indoxyl sulfate, a gut microbiome-derived uremic toxin, is associated with psychic anxiety and its functional magnetic resonance imaging-based neurologic signature. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 21011. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-99845-1
Other Publications
Yuri Milaneschi, Silvia Montanari, Rick Jansen, Daniela Schranner, Gabi Kastenmüller, Matthias Arnold, Delfina Janiri, Gabriele Sani, Sudeepa Bhattacharyya, Siamak Mahmoudian Dehkordi, Boadie Dunlop, Augustus Rush, Brenda Penninx, Rima Kaddurah-Daouk. Acylcarnitines metabolism in depression: association with diagnostic status, depression severity and symptom profile in the NESDA cohort. Research square, 2024, rs. 3. rs-4638158.
Sudeepa Bhattacharyya, Siamak MahmoudianDehkordi, Matthew J Sniatynski, Marina Belenky, Vasant R Marur, A John Rush, W Edward Craighead, Helen S Mayberg, Boadie W Dunlop, Bruce S Kristal, Rima Kaddurah-Daouk, Mood Disorder Precision Medicine Consortium. Metabolomics Signatures of serotonin reuptake inhibitor (Escitalopram), serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (Duloxetine) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Key . 2024. medRxiv
Amanda Hazel Dilmore, Rayus Kuplicki, Daniel McDonald, Megha Kumar, Mehrbod Estaki, Nicholas Youngblut, Alexander Tyakht, Gail Ackermann, Colette Blach, Siamak MahmoudianDehkordi, Boadie W Dunlop, Sudeepa Bhattacharyya, Salvador Guinjoan, Pooja Mandaviya, Ruth E Ley, Rima Kaddaruh-Dauok, Martin P Paulus, Rob Knight, Alzheimer Gut Microbiome Project Consortium. Medication Use is Associated with Distinct Microbial Features in Anxiety and Depression. 2024. bioRxiv
Silvia Montanari, Rick Jansen, Daniela Schranner, Gabi Kastenmüller, Matthias Arnold, Delfina Janiri, Gabriele Sani, Sudeepa Bhattacharyya, Siamak Mahmoudian Dehkordi, Boadie W Dunlop, A John Rush, Brenda WHJ Penninx, Rima Kaddurah-Daouk, Yuri Milaneschi. Acylcarnitines metabolism in depression: association with diagnostic status, depression severity and symptom profile in the NESDA cohort. 2024. medRxiv
S Clint Dowland, Melody L Greer, Sudeepa Bhattacharyya, Mathias Brochhausen. Ontology-based Integration of Consumer Data and EHR Systems to Fill Gaps in Social Determinants of Health Data. 2023. ICBO, 166-172.


Kaddurah-Daouk RF, Rush Jr AJ, Mahmoudiandehkordi S, Bhattacharyya S, Dunlap BW, Craighead WE, Mayberg H. (2024). Bile acid metabolites for diagnosing and treating depressive disorders. US Patent App. 18/554,830