Oral Presentations
Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Signal Discrimination Without Denoising
Miranda Perry Undergraduate

Automated Detection of Cyberbullying Tweets Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
Christopher Saldivar Undergraduate

Dynamic Linear Buckling Beams: Time Discretizations and Finite Element Methods
Madison Rowe Undergraduate

The Cross Track Method for Solving the Tetration Problem
Samuel Cowgill Graduate

Optical Homodyne on a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG amplified Nd:Vanadate mode-locked laser: Experiment and Setup
Zachary Pearson Undergraduate

Optical Homodyne on a Frequency-Doubled Nd:YAG Amplified Nd:Vanadate Mode-Locked Laser: Analysis
Justin Guilliams Undergraduate

Harnessing the Plant Lectin RTB for Improved Delivery of Therapeutic Fish Cytokine Interleukin-22
Brandi Mize Undergraduate

Analysis of the Acute Toxicity of a New Shark Repellent (SharkTec)
Ania Welman Undergraduate

Genetic Analysis of Adult and Juvenile Eastern Bluebirds in Northeast Arkansas
Erin Langley Undergraduate

Peanut Bioactives: Bioproduction and Anti-Obesity Properties
Alexis Philippe Undergraduate

Global Transcriptome Analysis of a High Ascorbate Arabidopsis Line.
Nirman Nepal Graduate

The Effects of Infrared Radiation on Rice Germination
Rachel Hampton Graduate

Phenomic Approaches to Understand the Role of the myo-Inositol Pathway to Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis
Lucia Acosta-Gamboa Graduate

Habitat Selection and Daily Torpor Activity of Northern Long-Eared Bats and Tri-Colored Bats Between Hibernation Emergence and Summer Roost Establishment
Hannah Hayes Graduate

Grenadine Seabird Productivity: Nesting Performance, Human Harvest and Introduced Predators
Wayne Smart Graduate

Hemlock decline is differentially associated with Louisiana Waterthrush habitat selection and fitness in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Lee Bryant Graduate

Demographic Responses of Eastern Bluebirds to Temporal Climate Variability
Sara Harrod Graduate